entry types
+ time limits
Solo's, duets/trio (2-3)
Small groups (4 -9)
Large groups (10 -16)
Extended lines (17+)
Productions (12+)
5 & under 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, 14,15,16, ,17,18 +
Age entered as of Dec. 31st. When calculating age groups, add
all ages, divide by the number of performers and drop the decimal point.
Solos, Duets/Trios 3 min. max.
Groups.3 min. max.
Extended lines 4 min. max.
Productions.4 - 12 minute max.
Adult Groups 3 min. max. Includes entrance and exits...
These time limits include entrance and exits. A penalty of 1 mark will be deducted from each judge for the following: routines exceeding times limits, and ** teachers putting routines on hold, please be sure to check the schedule thoroughly as program is sent out 3-4 weeks prior to competition date, conflicts with costumes etc. must be changed ahead. Few exceptions will apply!!
"NEW" for 2025 Music upload to our site
Always bring a copy on USB for all routines!
** We do not offer Video Judge**
Prohibited - Video taping and photography of any kind this is for the safety of all dancers, our events are a non ticketed open door show which means anyone can come and watch, therefore this is the reason that we DO NOT allow any photography or video taping of any sort, do to the safety of all dancers.